
Archive for the ‘lifestyle’ Category

Has anyone noticed the change? It’s in the air, it’s in the light, it’s in the things we do. Autumn is the time when there is balance between light and dark; it’s a time of harvest and completion. You see it in the natural world and you see it in ourselves, if we become aware of our natural rhythms.

This is a time of harvest, and preparing for the shorter, darker days. This is also the time of increased illness and stress. Did you know the common cold occurs 100 million times per year in the US and accounts for 30 million lost workdays, with 30 million lost school days and 32 million visits to the doctor. With preventative measures you could greatly reduce or even eliminate your chances of picking up this common ailment.  How you can improve your odds and maintain a healthy system as we approach this winter season?

It’s really quite easy. The key to fighting every attack and assault is to have a strong immune system! You must maintain a health functioning immune system. Next I will share what I consider the top ten things you can do to enhance your immune system.

To your health!

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I have begun to wonder how I try to work my life so efficiently- grouping like trips together, not wasting resources by running all over, etc.   Has this really cost me in other ways.   I ponder this thought.  Maybe efficient isn’t so efficient.

The cost? More time building business, more time building relationships, doing more of what I want.   But I get done those things that are together.   Is it a function of my organizational ways? My never ending task list? That which has me always going, with little down time? I contemplate this as I seek to find balance….

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What is wellness coaching? What’s in it for you? Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to be living the life YOU really want? Have you found barriers that you can’t over come on your own? Is your energy zapped from all the daily stuff you are supposed to be doing? Do you find yourself putting your self last?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you could use a wellness coach! A wellness coach can help you determine what you want with your life, your health, your fitness, your wellbeing, and then work with you to successfully get there! And coaching helps you gain the confidence & tools to eventually be leading a healthy life on your own.

Do you want energy? Do you want to shed those extra pounds? Do you want to reduce your blood sugars, pressure or cholesterol? Do you want to feel good in your skin? Take control of your life, get the support you need, hire a coach, and be WELL!

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Many ask, What is wellness?  Many also ask, What is the connection between wellness and nature, or even, ourselves and nature?  This could be a long conversation, but I will just start to explore it now, and continue on over days.

I just returned from several days in the forest.  Often when I go, I feel inherently a connection, a sense of being.  Which of course is contrary to the occasional feeling living and interacting in our man-made cities and communities.   Don’t we all crave to be connected?  To ourselves, to our mates, and to others in the world.  Then, there is this connection to what is natural, or real.  Ok, real can be a concept, so let’s start with nature.  That which has not been influenced by man.  Ever notice the natural beauty around us?  It is everywhere, but most influencial and abundant in the wilderness.  What is this feeling?  Why are we drawn to it?

It is our connection to ourselves, to a higher form, to our source that we are drawn.  It is the connection we crave.  And to access this connection means to listen, and respond the what is real, natural, inherent in this world.  The quiet we seek, the answers we crave are in this connection.

I wonder what you and others may think… I invite you to explore what it means to you to be connected, to respond to nature, listen.   What is there for you?

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Accountability- to hold to account, to account for what is so. What is so? That is, what ‘is’. There is no right or wrong, good or bad in what is so. There just ‘is’. When I coach, or any coach practices, I hold to account my clients. There is no judgement, or ‘you are a bad person because you didn’t do as you said!’.

A mature conversation might look like ‘What obstacles have occured such that you did not do what you said’. As opposed to the usual less-than-mature conversations we tend to have (see judgment, criticism, etc.)

We live in a society that so easily discards our word, to others and particularly, to ourselves. We also do what is easy, what is there in the moment, even if it is counter, or undermines, what we really want (like weight & money goals, etc.). Why is that? Training? Lack of motivation? Lack of commitment? Weakness?

True evolvement means we say what we do, do what we say. Clean it up if you don’t. All the rest is baggage that leads to alot of emotional upheaval, meaning-making. What is so, is what is so. The rest is story, interpretation, often garbage. Holding to account can be clean-say what is so. If it is not in alignment with what you want, consider what you need to do different. It’s your word, what is it worth to you??

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As I return from the wilderness, I once again am more fully aware of the life in the natural setting, and the one I have created here. I even caught myself saying when I returned, ‘back to real life’. But is it? That is a habit around how I see my daily life, sad but true. Real life. I had to laugh, I just spent 5 days in the wilderness, where life couldn’t be anymore organic and beautiful, and I am calling this that I do daily, real. As Bill the Cat would say, ‘Spffffft!’

So once again I have the opportunity to redefine what I call real life. It is always so apparent upon return. Connection-to me, to others; to write what I feel or express myself in some other way; to nurture and help grow others, often this shows up as plants, sometimes people; flow-no lists or agendas, and no to-dos! Do what ever is next, best to do, mostly to breathe in the beauty.

I wonder what is could be for you?

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Do you ever have one of those days, or maybe weeks, where things just aren’t going as you want, or they should? Often you wonder, what in the world is going on, what can’t I make this work, what’s wroing with me? Or some version like this. I know what you are going through. Even being a highly evolved (strokes of laughter) wellness coach, you would expect that I would have it all figured out. Well, news brief, I don’t. Frustrating as it all is, I work just as hard as the next being trying to evolve in keeping it going, keeping positive, or not giving up. It ain’t easy (you ought to be shaking your head in agreement). But, when I think I am going to, I don’t. Not yet, not this time. Frustrating as it all is, I will keep working on it, though it may seem stupid. This is my commitment, what I said I wanted to do. Failure only happens when I give up, not when it gets tough and ugly. So I haven’t failed yet. And I can still explore other avenues. Got to, cuz I ain’t giving up…..

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When we spend so much time stuck in today-and all its urgencies and requirements, its hard to keep in site our vision for our future. Where are we going? Will the things I am doing lead me there?

When I work with others, I help them keep in focus the vision. It’s like keeping in site the mountain top far away. That’s where we are going. But, when we look down at our feet so we don’t trip, and we keep looking down, sometimes we lose site of the goal.

I have a quote that reminds me- “Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.”

Yes, there are new scenes, yet there are also false paths, and obstacles. How often do we lose sight of our mountain top because of other unforseen events, reactions or situations? And how do we keep the focus?

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